Check Alternate Email Accounts to Find Your Primary Xbox Email Once you have the correct email, you can use it to log into your account, change your password, or add an alias email. There are several ways to find the email address you used to sign up for your Xbox account. Xbox Support cannot help you change the address, so you’ll have to try and get into your account. If you’ve lost your Xbox Sign-in email or forgotten the password you used to sign in, changing the old one will be slightly different. Source: Replacing a Lost Xbox Email Address

You should now have a new email to sign in to your Xbox account.Select “Confirm” to complete the deletion process.Choose which alias you want to delete, then click “Remove.” Now, you can delete the old email if desired, as long as it is no longer the primary email.Click on “Make Primary” to make the new email address the primary one for your account.Follow the instructions shown to Verify the address you just entered.Type in the new “email address,” then click on “Add alias.”.

Click on “add email” within the “Account alias” section.